What's In a Name?

When I was a young girl, I would sit around and dream about what my life would be like one day. What job I would have, what my house would look like, who my husband would be, how many children I would have and what their names would be. I would play the game MASH with my friends where we would create imaginary lives. From that young age I loved the name Ella for a little girl. The middle name options changed over the years but the girl name I had chosen remained the same. 

So, when I found out I was pregnant with a little girl, I knew her name would be Ella. And, thankfully, my husband agreed. 

Fast forward to present day. We are pregnant with baby number two. We had casually discussed names before we found out the sex and had basically reached an agreement on a boy name. But, then we found out we were having another girl. 

We have not agreed on one girl name. Not one. Every name I suggest he doesn't seem to like. He has a name that he would really like us to use which I do not want to use at all. 

So, we are currently at a stale-mate. Don't worry - I know this child will have a name that we both love... eventually. We will get there. But, I would love to hear how some of you have chosen the names of your children. Any tips for coming to a consensus when neither of you agrees?


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