Dear Friends
Dear Friends,
I am sorry for not keeping up my end of our unspoken bargain. When we met, I was single, childless, and ready to party! I had a lot of free time to spend how I saw fit and other than my job, not a lot of responsibilities.
Now, I can't even keep up a weekly blog schedule. I am juggling a full time job with growing responsibilities, life as a wife, mother, daughter, and (sometimes) friend.
I know we have only "seen" each other via the internet in at least a month (if not more), even though we live less that 5 minutes away from each other.
But, this is the season I am in right now. I will be back. I promise. One day I will be able to leave the house to hang out whenever I want. We will be able to take that weekend away to Vegas and party it up (if that still sounds appealing all those years down the road...).
You met me in my single season but now I am in my mommy season. My why-won't-my-toddler-sleep-past-6:00 a.m. season. I flood social media with photos of my cute kids (mostly shielding you from the non-adorable moments). You can catch me humming along to the Trolls soundtrack. When I don't return a text immediately, I am busy coloring or sculpting with play-doh (and then picking it out of the carpet).
I embrace this season to it's fullest.
I am sorry if this means we see less of each other. I truly hope you understand that it is not because I do not like you. I actually miss you terribly. Please keep inviting me - maybe one day I will actually make it to your party or get-together. Sometimes I do need to remember who I was before I was someone's mom. And that was your friend.
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