Dear Ella (Year Three)

Dear Ella,

I can hardly believe that you are turning 3. You have grown so much that I barely recognize you in photos and videos from just a year ago. We went from counting the number of words that you can say to wondering how you learned to identify your feelings - happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, excitement.

You have taught me so much about myself as your personality has begun to emerge. I see so much of myself in you. In your stubborn streak. How you instantaneously take charge of a room. In your curiosity of the world and how you want to figure it all out on your own. In your singing and dancing. When your creative mind starts going and I can hear the imaginary conversations going on in your head. In your need for independence. 

It has been an challenge to look in the mirror at a much younger and less developed reflection - but I am also able to see the potential these attributes hold for you. 

My hope for you is that you learn even earlier than I did how to harness these traits into an incredible and success driven future. One where you change the world one day at a time. Where your potential can be reached, and then some. 

As a wise woman once said, I hope that my ceiling is your floor. 

We have gone on many adventures this year with you. Our mini-family vacation to Kansas City where you swam to your heart's content and tried all sorts of new food. And then we took two long trips after your little sister was born - for two of your uncles' weddings. One of them you were a flower girl, and you did great! You get shy sometimes, but I am so proud when you are able to overcome it and learn that it was fun after-all. It was such a pleasure to share the experience of Seattle with you. A place that none of us had been too, it was a joy to explore with you. 

Becoming a big sister has changed you, in such a fantastic way. You are so caring toward Clara, and are her biggest cheerleader! You care for her well and it makes my heart so happy. I am lucky to have a front row seat to watch your relationship grow and bloom. 

My sweet, vivacious Ella. I am so incredibly honored to be your mother. It is amazing that in three short years you have had such a large impact in my life. You have changed everything, and I wouldn't go back. The world doesn't even know yet how lucky they are to have you. 

I love you, Boo Boo. Don't you ever change :)


p.s. See you later alligator. See you soon, Baboon. See you round - like a donut! 


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