Take the Trip

  • Go to Venice
  • Go to a game at Fenway Park
  • Visit the grand canyon
  • Go sky diving
  • Go to Disney World
  • Visit Harry Potter World
  • Take the girls on a tropical vacation
  • Visit family in San Francisco
For many years I have kept a mental bucket list of experiences I would like to have in my lifetime. On the very top of that list, ever since I can remember has been to Visit Venice

When I was single I had envisioned it being my honeymoon destination. But, six years ago when my then fiancé and I were pricing out a post-wedding location, Italy was not in the budget.

Maybe for an anniversary trip... we said.

Around our first wedding anniversary I decided to make a tangible plan. No more wishing and hoping - I sat down and thought out all the details and what specific actions we needed to take to make it a reality. I did a cost estimate and figured out how much extra we would need to save each month and put it in it's own special "Italy" savings account. The plan was set. We were going to take the trip.

And we did.

We took the trip of a lifetime.

And that is my advice to you today: TAKE THE TRIP.

Stop talking about all the things you want to do in your lifetime and start planning. Make a tangible plan and stick to it the best you know how. There will be bumps in the road - there were many for us - but try not to be derailed or discouraged.

I find that so often we talk about things we want to do, but we don't ever get around to actually planning anything.

Plans aren't made on wishes and dreams. You have to do the work.

My five steps for living out your bucket list:
1.   Choose one item off the list. 
2.   Make a list of what needs to happen to accomplish the goal 
3.   Start taking small, tangible steps
4.   Keep your eye on the goal
5.   Cross item off the bucket list & enjoy!

I can absolutely guarantee you that you will not regret doing the work to accomplish your dreams. The payoff is even better when you have worked so hard toward a goal. Make sure you take time to savor the moment. 


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