It's in the Moments: Family Vacation
Lately I have been feeling an
incredible sense of how much I love my little family and the little moments we
get to spend together. Moments that belong to just the three of us.
Our lives have been filled with these small moments. I know I have written before about soaking in those moments and not letting them pass you by. But there is something so important there to remember. It is so vital to make sure you don't miss it.
When your daughter asks you to get off the couch and dance with her - do it. Leave the unfolded laundry. Let the bill you were trying to pay online time-out. Get up and dance with her.
This past weekend my husband and I decided to take a small family vacation down to Kansas City. We don't have the luxury this summer to take an extended vacation, but we did want to take a summer trip of some sort. And then we realized that the three of us have never taken a trip where it wasn't to visit someone. The only time my husband and I have ever done that was on our honeymoon. And while I love visiting our family and friends across the country, there is something to be said about taking a trip that is simply for the sake of taking a trip.
We booked a hotel and after a little research purchased tickets for Legoland... and the rest of our time was up in the air. What resulted was a spontaneous and relaxing getaway.
And it was full of those small moments. Those moments that I will cherish. I wish Ella was old enough to remember. But, I tried to adequately document in pictures, so maybe that will help conjure memories in the future (a sentimental mom can hope).

We may not have planned an exotic and extended summer vacation - but we managed to bring a little bit of magic into her world - and that, to me, was priceless.
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