
A few weeks ago my co-workers and I went through a forgiveness exercise. It was a time designated to help us release people we have been holding accountable for offences they may have never even known about. This activity was for the forgiver and not the person being forgiven. 

The process is quite simple, actually, but very meaningful. Afterward, I immediately felt a peace about the person I chose to forgive that day and I had a fresh start. 

One thing I have always been told about forgiveness is that not granting it harms you the most. If you harbor anger or unforgiveness against someone, it is like a cancer inside that just keeps growing and overtakes other parts of your life. 

Part of this exercise was that we were not supposed to tell the person we were forgiving that we had forgiven them. But, we were to do something that represented the act of forgiving and letting go. This is my token. 

I forgive the person who I thought had egregiously harmed me. I was wrong and I am free from the anger and hurt my assumptions caused me. 

Who in your life do you need to forgive? I encourage you to look and take stock of your relationships. You may be surprised to learn that forgiveness is near, you just need to be willing to let go. 


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