
Do you ever wish that people could simply understand that you are going through a rough time without you ever having to say something? Without having to go into excruciating detail about what ails you. Without worrying that everyone knows all your inner workings and struggles? I do. 

I am a very private person. I know that may be hard to believe since I write a blog about my life. Truthfully, sometimes it is easier to write instead of having to talk about what is on my mind with people face to face. Sometimes I wish no one would bring up my blog to me, so I can stay hidden behind it's veil.

And while I secretly (not so much anymore!) wish for others to grant me this courtesy, I find that I have a hard time extending it to others. Isn't it the golden rule to treat others as you would like to be treated? 

This is a reminder to myself to begin and think of what those around me may be hiding behind their frustrated huffs behind me at the grocery store, or while cutting me off in traffic. I don't know their story. Maybe what they need is a little bit of kindness in the face of their disdain that will go a long way to making things just a little bit better. 

I am resolving myself to living in a peace filled bubble this year. I think this is just a small step in that direction. 

Won't you join me?


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