Making Memories

I don't know about you, but as a mother, I tend to question every decision I make. 

But the other day I had an epiphany. Sure, I need to provide the basics like food, shelter, and water. Other than that, is there really much that I can do that will ruin my child?

I mean, seriously think about it. If forgot the perfect way to swaddle her as an infant, or I forgot to change her diaper every two hours as a newborn, or if she didn't start feeding herself with a spoon at 10 months - was it really so bad? 

Every once in a while I will see an Instagram post by a mother whose child is the same age as Ella and think, "Shoot!  We haven't started doing that yet - better get on it!" Comparison gets in the way and I start feeling like I should have actually purchased and read those parenting books people recommended. 

Parenthood is hard. But we can make it a little easier on ourselves if we remember what it is all about. Remember your childhood? What are the things that come to mind when you think back? 

I remember playing with my brothers in our toy area in the basement, 
combining our collections of green army men, Transformers, and Barbies.

I remember recreating the Christmas story in our living room, wearing robes 
with towels on our heads and my doll as the baby Jesus. 

I remember long road trips out east, playing the 
alphabet game with my brothers as we traveled from state to state. 

I remember my mom reading all the of the 
"Chronicles of Narnia" books to us at night before bedtime. 

My memories have nothing to do with meeting milestones. They have everything to do with the quality time spent with my family. The special memories that belong to just us. 

We fill the large bowl with popcorn before cuddling on the couch for family movie night, 
even though Ella only makes it through 20 minutes of the movie, but half of the popcorn. 

I watch my daughter and husband pop the bubble wrap in our 
living room as she squeals with delight.  

I observe as she inspect the rocks she has collected from all around our yard, 
learning their every detail. 

I listen as she sings the "Happy Birthday" song to herself after we 
have come home from a birthday party. 

I see her become more courageous at the park as she 
climbs up the stairs and goes down the slide all by herself. 

And I know we are busy building her childhood memories. I encourage you to focus on making memories, not just marking milestones. 


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