Infertility Series: 24 hour pregnancy

After months of trying to conceive, I told my husband to pick up a pregnancy test. It was that time of month again- time to see if it worked finally. 

I woke early on that Saturday morning and headed to the bathroom to take the test and at first glance it looked negative. A little while later, I came back to the bathroom and what's that I see? Is that the faintest sign of a line? I picked up the test and rushed to show my husband. Could it be? We were cautiously optimistic but that optimism got the better of us as the day wore on. We calculated the due date and started dreaming of the future. It was fun to think about. And we finally did it, we got pregnant again! 

The next morning I took the second of the three test pack to confirm that faint line's news. This time, nothing. Blank. Not even a little bit of a line. What the heck? This has to be a false negative. I have the other test sitting right here. I see the line, and it's darker than it was yesterday. We were confused but still hopeful. 

That afternoon my curiosity got the best of me and I consulted my dear friend, Google, for the answer. I started seeing the term, "evaporation line." That couldn't be me, could it? I'm not that idiot who waits way too long to read the results, right? We'll see what the third test says. 

The next morning I woke early again and took the third and final test in the pack. Those two minutes felt like an eternity. When I came back to read he results, my biggest fears came true. Negative. Again. 

How could I be so foolish to believe that I was pregnant? How could I get my hopes up? 

As the pregnancy started to fade away in my imagination and I stared down the barrel of another month of trying and waiting, the reality started to set in. I wasn't pregnant. Again. 


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