Potty Training

Here is my step by step guide on how to perfectly potty train your child. 

1. Don't do it. It's not worth it. Let them stay in diapers their whole life. Eventually they will learn to change them by themselves. 

2. Pat yourself on the back for avoiding the frustrating process of "reasoning" with a toddler. 

3. Send me a thank you present. I deserve it. 

You're welcome. 

So... this past weekend my husband and I thought we would utilize the three day weekend to implement the three day potty training method on our not-yet two year old. She is very young but she had been showing lots of signs that she was ready. 

She would ask us to change her dirty diapers. She would take the wipes to clean herself. She was starting to show her dolly how to use the potty. She is extremely vocal. Using full sentences to express herself and her wants. The signs all pointed to the fact that she may just get this. 

So, I ventured online to look up this magical three day potty training system that my peers had been raving about. I took notes and purchased supplies. We took Ella to the store to pick out her big girl undies (Frozen!), we had special treats on hand, and stocked the bathroom with a step stool and special potty chair just for her. 

Day one started with saying "bye bye" to diapers. I told her we need to save all the diapers for the new baby. She wasn't too sure about that. But, pants came off and we had a half naked toddler running around the house. I lined the couches with towels, and brought out the Clorox wipes to keep our hardwood floors clean. There was no looking back, we were doing this. 

Four accidents and 1 hour later, we had our first successful potty in the toilet! The first day was extremely long. Filled with many accidents and also many successes. By the end of the day Ella was exclaiming, "I did it!" after a win. I had never been more excited for a bedtime than on that day. 

Day two was a little more emotional for me. By mid-day it was like the novelty had worn off. It was no longer a fun game but a chore. Each trip to the bathroom was met with screams of "I don't want to!" I hit a wall. While sitting on the step stool beside the toilet as my daughter plead with me to stop the insanity, I burst into tears. The exhaustion and frustration had bubbled to the surface and I could no longer hold my brave face. This stopped Ella in her tracks. She is not used to seeing Mommy cry. In her silence she was able to complete a successful trip to the potty and we went on with our afternoon. 

I am writing this after 5 full days of potty training, two of them at daycare. We haven't had a single accident since yesterday. And I couldn't be more proud. 

I am not a potty training expert and this is NOT an exhaustive guide on how to train your child. This is just one mom's story. Filled with stress, tears, and celebrations. It is a reminder to myself that no matter how many times I write about not doing it - I am so hard on myself as a mom. I question nearly every decision I make on behalf of my daughter. But, I know I am not alone. And I know I will keep trying to be better. 


  1. Haha! This is so very relatable! Sharing!

  2. Oh, man! I have been there. You aren't alone. Thanks for your story!


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