Infertility Series: Final Thoughts

Today marks the last day of my infertility series. I have had the pleasure of having 8 guest bloggers courageously tell their stories. I am honored that they participated and were a contribution to all of my readers, who have publicly and privately thanked me for putting on this series. I found that this series was more needed than I could ever have imagined. 

Week 1: A Series and My Story

Week 2: Normal by Kristin Kruse

Week 3: What Do "They" Know, Anyway? - Anonymous

Week 4: Just Relax by Ellie Malek

Week 5: Miscarriage by Anna Felber

Week 8: Secondary - Anonymous

I have found inspiration, courage, compassion, and gratitude going on this journey with all of you. And for those who have reached out expressing your own journeys, you are in my prayers as you move through this season. I hope to have provided even the smallest it of hope and encouragement to each of you. 

Thank you all for going on this journey with me!


  1. I have had some friends that have gone through infertility. It's so hard. I hate that they have had to struggle so much.


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